Berlin has ambitious plans to become the 3D printing capital of Europe by 2030 and has already made progress in this direction.
The 3D printing industry in Berlin is considered a key technology for implementing the Master Plan for the Industrial City of Berlin (MPI) and receives substantial support for innovation, especially in the field of personalized medical technology and space additive manufacturing.
Berlin actively promotes the start-up sector and attracts international 3D printing providers while advocating for better international flight connections to enhance its attractiveness to professionals and businesses.
Berlin Embraces 3D Printing Technology for Industry and Innovation.

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology (BPBT) recently offered a groundbreaking perspective on Berlin's journey to becoming the 3D printing capital of Europe. The ambitious goal: By 2030, Berlin aims to lead the 3D printing revolution.
In an exclusive conversation with Alexander Fäh, CEO of quicktechnics, the Senate Department for Economics, Energy, and Enterprises discusses the significance of 3D printing for Berlin's economy and innovation landscape. The 3D printing industry is considered a key technology for implementing the Master Plan for the Industrial City of Berlin (MPI) and plays a central role in Berlin's ambitious future plans.
The coordination and innovation support for the "Additive Manufacturing Berlin-Brandenburg" (AMBER) project are funded by the State of Berlin and carried out by BPBT. With over 13 million euros in approved Pro Fit funding, high-tech innovations are being advanced in areas such as Personalized Medical Technology and Space Additive Manufacturing.
Berlin's 3D printing industry has already fostered a robust startup sector, laying the foundation for future innovations. The city also attracts international 3D printing providers, strengthening its position as an open and innovative hub.
However, the Senate Department acknowledges the challenge of limited direct flights from BER Airport and advocates for better international connectivity. Expanding long-haul connections is seen as crucial for Berlin's economic growth and international appeal.
The 3D printing revolution in Berlin is in full swing, and the city aims to further solidify its position as an innovation leader. With a strong infrastructure, funding opportunities, and a growing network of 3D printing experts, Berlin is on the cusp of exciting developments in the manufacturing industry.