The chip shortage currently doesn't make it easy for all people who are waiting for PC parts. You are still sitting on your NVIDIA GTX 970 and a 4-core processor. These parts are hardly enough to play AAA games nowadays. That's why the tech industry has come up with something.

You've probably heard of cloud providers, such as AWS or OneDrive. These are mainly there to store your documents on servers and then open and edit them on all your devices. That takes less storage on their personal laptop or PC. But the servers it takes to store the documents need power all the tim, because you should be able to open the documents at any time. So the cloud providers produce a lot of CO2, assuming they don't run on renewable energy.

So ähnlich will es auch die Gaming-Industrie machen. Man soll eine App herunterladen, auf welcher man dann beliebige Spiele mit hoher Leistung spielen kann. Es ist also ein Gaming PC, den man für einen gewissen Preis im Monat mieten kann. Die Inputs des Controllers oder Tastatur werden über das Internet an den Server geleitet, der verarbeitet dann die Eingabe und schliesslich sieht man die Eingabe auf seinem Bildschirm. Allerdings benötigt dies sehr gutes Internet mit einer geringen Latenz, um ein flüssiges Bild zu bekommen.

NVIDIA is probably the most well-known cloud gaming provider with GeForce Now. The company offers over 1000 games that you can play at a price of $9.99 per month. There is also a free version of GeForce Now, but you can only play for an hour and you don't have priority access to the servers.
PlayStation Now is also known for its cloud services. You pay $59.99 a year to play over 700 games.
Google's subcontractor, Stadia, is also in the industry. For $9.99 a month, you can play over 100 games at 4K resolution, which include additional content and special editions.
Amazon also has something to say with their cloud gaming service Luna, which is still in Early Access. On the website, there are different deals for Luna, which vary on the games and the number of devices. Starting at $2.99, you can play E and E10+ games on two devices at once.