The next generation of graphics cards is just around the corner, but no specifications have been officially announced yet, neither by NVIDIA nor by AMD. However, leaks are already circulating - just like with the iPhone 14.

According to, the codename of the next graphics card generation is "Lovelace". The chip will be based on TSMC's 5nm technology. This should make the future graphics cards faster, as the RTX 30XX series are built with 8nm technology. Also, 144 streaming multiprocessors will be installed (the RTX 3090 has 82) and will have a maximum of 18,432 CUDA cores.
Of course, the better performance also has some drawbacks. Because the more performance a GPU has, the more power it consumes. The RTX 3090 consumes about 450 watts. With the 4000-series, we can assume that it needs at least an 850 watt power supply. If you want to have the best version of the next generation, then a power supply with 1200 watts (and more) is highly recommended.

Release dates have also been leaked. Twitter user @greymon55 wrote that the Lovelace series should be released no earlier than at the end of 2022.